Friday, September 5, 2008

A New Old Bike For Archie

Archie bought a bike today. I had just walked out of the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art with Selena and Lydia. At some point, we were separated from Arch. I called him and looked around, sensing that he was nearby. He answered just as I saw him, or least the back of his head.

"Is that you on a bike?" I asked. Archie doesn't have a bike.

It was him, mid-purchase of a new used bike. A girl's bike. A white bike with a new seat. A very cool bike. Twenty bucks.

It's the kind of bike where you have to backpedal to break. Now he can bomb around Portland on his new bike.

Photo: courtesy of


Aaron Lee Fineman said...

claire, fyi, that bike in the photo has 2 brakes and a buttload of gears.

clairej said...

Dear Aaron, the photo with this post is for illustration purposes only. I could have set up the bike and photographed it myself, but I just didn't feel like it. Thanks for your comment, though.
