Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chebeague Island

My writing collaborator Marc and I took the 6:30am ferry on Saturday morning from the wharf to Great Chebeague Island, and being the genius I am, I left the map at home. To our great fortune, there are only a few country roads on the island and a nice man named "Spec" picked us up and gave us a ride to the church. We made it on time for our appointment to check out their "weatherization workshop", which proved to be both interesting and visually compelling. A group from the church spent a few hours making simple wood frames with plastic on either side to prop into their windows for extra warmth in the winter. Apparently these suckers work pretty well. Marc recorded audio and took notes while I shot, thinking of what different publications we could pitch this to. It's a sweet story, but also a relevant one for people living in rural areas in the North. These people are not only rural, but they live on an island, with limited resources and dependent on the ferries to transport goods. We ran into the mail carrier on both routes to and from Portland, and she told us a story or two herself. Chebeague is so darn pretty, and we were lucky - it was another gorgeous day in Maine.

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