Monday, October 13, 2008

Angry Mob Mentality

What the hell are the Republicans doing at these campaign rallies? By yelling racial slurs and inciting violence, they are taking partisanship to an extreme and exhibiting Klanish behavior. Why is this acceptable behavior? WTF? I would love to see police in riot gear hose down a crowd at a Sarah Palin speech.

The Huff Post (of which I've vowed to be a more regular reader) quoted a former McCain campaign strategist this way:

John Weaver, John McCain's former top strategist, says the Republican candidate is making both a moral and a a tactical mistake by letting abusive hecklers have free rein at rallies:

"People need to understand, for moral reasons and the protection of our civil society, the differences with Senator Obama are ideological, based on clear differences on policy and a lack of experience compared to Senator McCain," Weaver said. "And from a purely practical political vantage point, please find me a swing voter, an undecided independent, or a torn female voter that finds an angry mob mentality attractive."

So guys, listen up. Not only is this mob mentality DANGEROUS, but it looks bad to the undecided independents. So despite your feeble attempts to call Obama a "good family man", and cull the anger, your crowds are out of control. What happens to that anger when Obama wins because the handful of indecisive voters see what a better leader Barack Obama will be over John McSame? Hide the guns, honey.

Image courtesy of Jason.

Portland v. Portland at Maine Roller Derby

Heather and I checked out the Maine Roller Derby on Saturday - my second bout ever. I went with Kas to a bout in New York this summer and watched the Bronx kick Manhattan's butt. Saturday was a mix of Portland teams competing, but still fun. I tried shooting it, but realized I will need a longer lens if I'm going to shoot any sports. My 28-70mm just doesn't cut it for these things. My thought is to get some sports shots in my portfolio in case I apply to newspaper jobs. It's not my favorite shooting to do, but necessary for any hometown newspaper. I think I'll try shooting a rugby or basketball game, or maybe ice hockey, since those are the sports happening now around here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

When You Meet Paul Bunyan... sure to pet his dog.

I met a guy named Chuck this week, who has agreed to be the subject for my documentary project, and I'm elated. He's a Paul Bunyan-type, Renaissance man who has started a small farm on a piece of land he bought from a developer to prevent it from becoming lawns and new homes. He is determined to bring agriculture back to this area that hasn't been tilled since the 1960's, and to preserve the old way of life. He's building a barn that will be part museum, part educational center so the younger generations can learn from the past. He's a gentle giant, too, and this is his dog, Ace, an Australian Shepherd that likes to chase chickens.

I'll be posting more about Chuck and Ace in the coming weeks, but I don't want to reveal too much or post photos of him just yet. But let's just say, I'm totally psyched for this project. More to come...

Photo (c) Claire Houston/SALT, Ace at the Farm Stand, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This was the view from the ferry as it was leaving port today at 10:00am. So friggin' pretty!